갈란틴(프랑스어: galantine)은 닭이나, 오리 속에 다진 고기와 양념을 채워서 삶거나 찐 전통 프랑스 요리를 이야기 하고, 룰라드(Roulade)는 얇게 뜬 쇠고기 조각으로 야채 따위를 만 미트롤로 헝가리 음식이다. 전통적으로 다양한 유럽 요리 에서 볼 수있는 용어 룰라드(roulade) 는 프랑스 단어 "rouler"에서 유래한다. 고기 기반의 roulade는 일반적으로 치즈와 야채 또는 다른 육류와 같은 충전물 주위에 감겨 진 스테이크 슬라이스로 구성되기도 한다.
룰라드(roulade)는 일반적으로 이쑤시게, 금속 꼬치 또는 끈으로 고정되어 조리되고, 동그란 라운드로 슬라이스하고 접시에 플레이팅 한 후 제공한다.
이탈리아에서는 Braciole로 불리며, 일반적으로 파르메산 치즈, 빵 부스러기와 달걀로 가득 쇠고기, 돼지고기 또는 닭고기로 구성된 이탈리아 스타일의 룰라드이다
독일과 헝가리에서는 Rouladen으로 불리며 양파, 베이컨, 피클과 다진 고기와 양배추로 채워진다.
2. 조리 순서
1. 주재료의 뼈를 추려내고 얇게 편다.
2. 여기에 소금, 후추가루를 뿌린다.
3. 다진 고기, 견과류, 허브 등을 첨가하여 골고루 펴서 돌돌 말아 통 모양을 만들고 랩으로 말아 고정시킨다.
Cut the wings from the chicken, and reserve for another use.
3. Remove skin
Slice through the skin, along the spine, from top to the bottom.
Gently lift the skin and run your fingers along the underside. With enough pressure, you should be able to pull and peel the skin off. Use your fingers to tear through any sinew.
Lay the skin flat, exterior side down. Use a towel to rub off excess sinew and fat so the surface is as smooth as possible. Reserve in the fridge.
4. Remove breasts
Use your fingers to locate the wishbone in the neck.
Slice along the edge of the bone to disconnect it, and gently pull it out. This makes removing the breasts easier and increases the yield.
Make several slices along both sides of the keel bone until you’re able to remove the breasts. Cut the drumettes and tenderloins away from the breasts. Reserve them for another use. Cut any sinew, silverskin, and fat from the breast. This helps make a cleaner-looking roulade.
Assemble the Chicken
5. Cut and lay out skin on plastic wrap
Slice a bit off the edges of the skin to form a rectangle.
Roll out the plastic wrap, keeping it connected to the roll so you can make it taut.
Lay the skin, exterior side down, on the plastic. Stretch out the skin until it’s as flat as possible.
6.Stack breasts on top of skin
Place one breast, plump side down, at the edge of the skin closest to you. Make sure an even amount of skin is showing on the right and left sides of the breast.
Lightly dust the breast with Activa.
Place the other breast on top, plump side up, rotated in the other direction.
Lightly dust the top breast with Activa.
7. Roll skin over breast
Start rolling up the skin with the breast until the skin overlaps itself by about 5 cm. Using scissors, cut off any extra skin.
We had about 2.5 cm of excess skin on each side, so we folded it in.
8. Roll in plastic; poke holes
Cover breast with plastic wrap, and roll four full times around.
Poke six small holes into the skin. (We use a toothpick.) This helps remove air pockets in the skin, which can create blowouts during frying.
Pull the plastic taut. Some of the fat will seep out of the holes.
Roll two more times around. Poke six more holes down to the core. Pull the plastic taut.
Roll three more times around. Cut the plastic from the roll.
Twist the ends of the plastic in opposite directions until the roll is tight.
Tie the ends with string.
9. Cook roulade at 149 °F / 65 °C
The roulade takes about 60 minutes to cook.
10. Gently dry skin
Remove the roulade from the plastic, and blot the skin with a paper towel.
11. Heat frying oil to 380 °F / 193 °C
Oil for frying, as needed
Heat 3 L of oil in a fryer or deep pot.
Or heat a half-inch of oil for pan-frying. Be careful; the oil likes to pop.
12. Fry until brown and crispy
Fry roulade until the skin is brown and crispy.
This should be quick. The chicken is already cooked, so all you need to do is finish the skin.
Remove with slotted spoon, and let drain on paper towel.
1. 갈란틴과 룰라드
갈란틴(프랑스어: galantine)은 닭이나, 오리 속에 다진 고기와 양념을 채워서 삶거나 찐 전통 프랑스 요리를 이야기 하고, 룰라드(Roulade)는 얇게 뜬 쇠고기 조각으로 야채 따위를 만 미트롤로 헝가리 음식이다. 전통적으로 다양한 유럽 요리 에서 볼 수있는 용어 룰라드(roulade) 는 프랑스 단어 "rouler"에서 유래한다. 고기 기반의 roulade는 일반적으로 치즈와 야채 또는 다른 육류와 같은 충전물 주위에 감겨 진 스테이크 슬라이스로 구성되기도 한다.
룰라드(roulade)는 일반적으로 이쑤시게, 금속 꼬치 또는 끈으로 고정되어 조리되고, 동그란 라운드로 슬라이스하고 접시에 플레이팅 한 후 제공한다.
이탈리아에서는 Braciole로 불리며, 일반적으로 파르메산 치즈, 빵 부스러기와 달걀로 가득 쇠고기, 돼지고기 또는 닭고기로 구성된 이탈리아 스타일의 룰라드이다
독일과 헝가리에서는 Rouladen으로 불리며 양파, 베이컨, 피클과 다진 고기와 양배추로 채워진다.
2. 조리 순서
1. 주재료의 뼈를 추려내고 얇게 편다.
2. 여기에 소금, 후추가루를 뿌린다.
3. 다진 고기, 견과류, 허브 등을 첨가하여 골고루 펴서 돌돌 말아 통 모양을 만들고 랩으로 말아 고정시킨다.
4. 쿠킹호일에 단단히 싸서 찌거나 삶는다.
5. 다 삶아지면 냉각시켜서 호일과 랩을 풀고, 알맞은 두께로 썬다.
3. 만들고 맛 봅시다.
How To Debone a chicken?
How to make a Chicken Galantine?
1. Chicken, whole
2. Remove wings
Cut the wings from the chicken, and reserve for another use.
3. Remove skin
Slice through the skin, along the spine, from top to the bottom.
Gently lift the skin and run your fingers along the underside. With enough pressure, you should be able to pull and peel the skin off. Use your fingers to tear through any sinew.
Lay the skin flat, exterior side down. Use a towel to rub off excess sinew and fat so the surface is as smooth as possible. Reserve in the fridge.
4. Remove breasts
Use your fingers to locate the wishbone in the neck.
Slice along the edge of the bone to disconnect it, and gently pull it out. This makes removing the breasts easier and increases the yield.
Make several slices along both sides of the keel bone until you’re able to remove the breasts. Cut the drumettes and tenderloins away from the breasts. Reserve them for another use. Cut any sinew, silverskin, and fat from the breast. This helps make a cleaner-looking roulade.
Assemble the Chicken
5. Cut and lay out skin on plastic wrap
Slice a bit off the edges of the skin to form a rectangle.
Roll out the plastic wrap, keeping it connected to the roll so you can make it taut.
Lay the skin, exterior side down, on the plastic. Stretch out the skin until it’s as flat as possible.
6.Stack breasts on top of skin
Place one breast, plump side down, at the edge of the skin closest to you. Make sure an even amount of skin is showing on the right and left sides of the breast.
Lightly dust the breast with Activa.
Place the other breast on top, plump side up, rotated in the other direction.
Lightly dust the top breast with Activa.
7. Roll skin over breast
Start rolling up the skin with the breast until the skin overlaps itself by about 5 cm. Using scissors, cut off any extra skin.
We had about 2.5 cm of excess skin on each side, so we folded it in.
8. Roll in plastic; poke holes
Cover breast with plastic wrap, and roll four full times around.
Poke six small holes into the skin. (We use a toothpick.) This helps remove air pockets in the skin, which can create blowouts during frying.
Pull the plastic taut. Some of the fat will seep out of the holes.
Roll two more times around. Poke six more holes down to the core. Pull the plastic taut.
Roll three more times around. Cut the plastic from the roll.
Twist the ends of the plastic in opposite directions until the roll is tight.
Tie the ends with string.
9. Cook roulade at 149 °F / 65 °C
The roulade takes about 60 minutes to cook.
10. Gently dry skin
Remove the roulade from the plastic, and blot the skin with a paper towel.
11. Heat frying oil to 380 °F / 193 °C
Oil for frying, as needed
Heat 3 L of oil in a fryer or deep pot.
Or heat a half-inch of oil for pan-frying. Be careful; the oil likes to pop.
12. Fry until brown and crispy
Fry roulade until the skin is brown and crispy.
This should be quick. The chicken is already cooked, so all you need to do is finish the skin.
Remove with slotted spoon, and let drain on paper towel.
13. Slice, and serve